10 Sharechat Advertising Mistakes to Avoid (To Get Conversions )

Picture this: You have created engaging ad creatives; pour your heart and soul into it. Launched your campaign. But, Getting minimal conversions! Sounds familiar?  I know this pain, as I have spent over 1 crore in sharechat advertising and have learned how this platform works. In this article,  I will share 10 common mistakes Sharechat … Read more

My ₹1 Crore ShareChat Advertising Spend Outcome Case Study

Sharechat Advertising

Hello Marketers, Do you want to start your sharechat advertising journey? Then, this post will help you deeply understand how this ad platform works and how you can benefit from it for your sales & lead generation campaigns.  In this article, I’ll present a sharechat ads case study detailing my investment of over 1 Crore … Read more